Eisterhold Associates Inc. was first selected as the United States Government’s independent consultant for the cost estimation for the early planning stages for the Museum and was later awarded the exhibit design contract, taking over from another firm. EAI then provided schematic redesign, followed by design development, construction documents, and construction administration services. During the twelve-year duration of the project, EAI earned numerous (and rarely awarded) Exceptional ratings from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the Quality, Schedule, Cost Control, and Management of our work.
The National Museum of the United States Army is dedicated to conveying the core message that soldiers of the United States Army have defended and shaped America for over 240 years. This story of heritage, culture, and history is told chronologically using thousands of original artifacts, manuscripts, photographs, and media representing pre-Revolutionary War events through recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. A final gallery examines the symbiotic relationship between the Army and society including ideas and innovations pioneered in the Army, and illustrates how the nation has supported our soldiers in times of war and peace.
The Museum has become the Army’s national landmark, celebrating the Army’s contributions to the nation and the selfless service of over 30 million American men and women who have served in times of war and peace. Dozens of educational programs developed in conjunction with scholars, historians, and teachers bring Army history to life for Museum visitors.
The central story, as General Mark A. Milley underscored at the opening, is that soldiers, in every variety of roles, defend the Constitution. The pride felt by soldiers and families visiting the Museum is palpable. — JERRY EISTERHOLD