The Montgomery Bus Boycott involved an entire community, though we are mostly familiar with the actions of a few brave leaders. Over time, the true story of the origins of the Montgomery Bus Boycott has become blurred by a host of urban legends. Conceived and executed as an intelligent, sophisticated campaign, the Boycott was much more than an emotional, fundamental reaction to injustice. The Rosa Parks Museum sets the record straight by telling this extraordinary event in its real context, describing the stories of the many extraordinary citizens in Montgomery who risked their lives and livelihood to advance the cause of justice.
Boycott participants successfully navigated intricate legal considerations throughout the event, using the system of law itself to support their cause. To immerse the visitors in the pivotal moment of the event that sparked it all, EAI used a variety of media and media systems. We reproduced photos and actual pages from newspapers and magazines, gathered historic police records and news broadcasts, and produced an AV show in and around an actual 1955 Montgomery bus to recreate that historical moment. To make this relevant to children who did not live through those momentous times, EAI later developed the Children’s Annex. This showcases the “Cleveland Avenue Time Machine,” using another Montgomery bus as a time machine to transport children through the Boycott. In 2006 the Cleveland Avenue Time Machine won a Themed Entertainment Award, Independence, MO
Stephen King called the Museum "the most effective presentation he's ever seen," the Children's Annex won a Themed Entertainment Association award. — JERRY EISTERHOLD